Preventing Subluxation of the Spine Through Posture
It's hard to overstate just how important good posture is to good spinal health. In turn, it's hard to overstate how important good spinal health is to your general feeling of wellbeing and your ability to go about your daily activities. That said, you can avoid some of the most common and debilitating types of spinal problems if you pay some preventive attention to your posture.
What is Vertebral Subluxation?
Vertebral subluxation is the change in position of the vertebrae that make up your spine. These bones can shift, often thanks to habitually poor posture, and put pressure on the nerves surrounding your spine. The resulting pressure can cause injury to the nerves where they emerge from the spine, and the progressive pressure and injury can translate discomfort and dysfunction to other parts of your body.
Effects of Subluxation
Subluxations can have a variety of effects on different parts of your body. Most directly, the misalignment of vertebrae can result in decreased range of motion in your spine. It can cause chronic pain in the back or neck, damage to muscles and soft tissues around the spine, and damage to the discs between vertebrae.
Subluxations can also cause problems elsewhere in the body as irritation of and damage to nerves in the vicinity of the spine is transferred to the organs and other parts of the body that are served by those nerves. The result is pain or dysfunction far away from the initial sight of the subluxation.
Posture Exercises for Spinal Health
The best exercises you can do to improve your posture and prevent subluxation are exercises that strengthen your core muscle groups. The muscles of your back, abdomen, and posterior work together to stabilize your spine and torso and maintain your balance as you move. A strong core will help you to maintain the proper upright posture and keep your spine healthy.
Some good exercises to improve core strength and posture include leg extensions to strengthen pelvic muscles, crunches and roll-ups to build abdominal muscles, the cobra yoga pose to strengthen spinal muscles, and planks, which work your entire core.
If you practice a regular routine of core exercises such as these, you'll be much less likely to slip into habitually poor posture, and when your posture is good, you're much less likely to experience vertebral subluxation.
Need help figuring out the kinds of exercises that will improve your posture and keep your spine healthy? Contact us at Back & Neck Center. You can also email us or call today at (907) 376-2600 so that we can help you to plan a program that's right for you.
Posted In:
Preventative Care
Back Pain